Government Logo and Branding

While working for the US government, I was also responsible for creating logos and branding materials for various programs, ensuring each had a unique visual identity that resonated with its target audience. This involved brainstorming distinctive logo designs, developing cohesive branding strategies, and collaborating closely with program managers to align the visual elements with their vision. The result was a set of strong and recognizable brands that enhanced the visibility and impact of USFK’s diverse programs, supported by comprehensive branding guidelines for consistent application across different mediums.

Digital Media Specialist, Graphic Designer
United States Forces Korea, US Army
Logo, Branding

The final logo design for the first US Forces Korea, Combined Forces Command and United Nations Command Women, Peace and Security Symposium.

The proposed designs for the Women, Peace and Security Symposium.

Strength in Diversity Logo for USFK (4-star General Command) - This is the logo guide I developed to coincide with my logo design.

This is the final logo design for REK/KON - a gaming convention that I was the event coordinator and designer for. This is first gaming convention styled event hosted in South Korea for military personnel and their families.

This is for Yoon's Active Afternoons, a webisode series logo for US Army recreational staff. This logo needed to have motion in order to later animate for an introduction sequence.